If a modern woman has no desire to ever be a mother or have kids, should she still get special treatment for her gender, or be treated equally to men?

So I brought this up in another post and now spinning it off into its own question. I stated:

"[Modern] women have the advantage [in dating and relationships] because they're the ones who get pregnant, so literally are the ones who determine life and future offspring. People forget that back before all this modern BS, survival was the name of the game. It's why women rarely ever had to fight in wars, slave in factories, and have been pampered for most of human history. Because they're the ones to pop out the kids.

The f*cked up thing is, [many] modern women don't even want to have kids anymore, but still expect all the same perks and special privileges that women have always gotten because they were expected to be mothers.

[However,] if a modern woman doesn't want to have kids, then she needs to put in the 'man's work' and fully embrace 'equality' or shut the f*ck up. Too many simps don't understand this...

Women get their asses kissed in society because they're expected to be mothers. If a woman isn't going to be a mother, she's essentially a man by society's standards, and shouldn't expect [the same] perks when she's not going to contribute to producing offspring for the species."

So yes, that is the fact of life I brought up. Women get special perks because of their role or future role as mothers, and if they aren't going to be that, then they need to accept 100% equality - in particular, all the downsides of it - that men face in society. Including labor jobs, working longer hours, asking out people on dates, getting rejected for it, being told off for saying or doing something stupid, and actually paying for their own f*cking sh*t on dates.

This question is going to piss off a lot of people. Ask me if I care.

What do you think about it, though? Not gonna make it a poll, so people actually have to comment this time.


If a modern woman has no desire to ever be a mother or have kids, should she still get special treatment for her gender, or be treated equally to men?
Post Opinion