Two months ago, 4 drunk girls beat up an unknown girl on a busy road at 1 AM. And the crowd did nothing. What would you do if present there?


I, just because of being a guy, would have actively ignored the whole thing and would have gone my way. I would just call the police. One call and on my way. Maybe not even that.

I don't want false molestation charges or even any kind of women-related charges on myself, just for trying to help. Genuinely.

Nobody listens to a guy with charges related to women in India. No matter if he is telling the truth or not. It is better to not get involved in it. No matter what happens.

It is girls' matter, they should have handled it. I highly doubt that there was not a single girl in the crowd.

What about you?

1 y
What I have written as my thoughts on my would-be reaction if I was present there, are actually comments by many people below the video. You can look at them too.
Two months ago, 4 drunk girls beat up an unknown girl on a busy road at 1 AM. And the crowd did nothing. What would you do if present there?
10 Opinion