Guys, What ever happened to Blue Dog Democrats?

Guys, What ever happened to Blue Dog Democrats?

Even Obama is scratching his head at the direction his party is heading in. Loving and concerned parents at school board meetings are now terrorists? Fentanyl crossing the border and killing kids is now OK with you? Five year olds are taken to drag queen shows, and this is OK with you? Illegal aliens are being housed in five star hotels, and you're OK with this? Jim Jordan said he only wanted Americans to vote in America. The snowflakes went nuts. Are you OK with that? There are over 200 languages spoken in the US, but the snowflakes are afraid to declare English as the official language. Are you OK with this? People in Blue cities and states are being killed in the streets, but the snowflakes want to defund the cops. Are you OK with this? Some snowflakes want to abolish prisons and let the animals out to kill your family. Are you OK with this?

Can we please get the Blue Dogs Back, and send these crazies to another planet?

I get that you hate Trump, and so do I. But if he gets the nomination, I'll vote for him. I don't think America can take much more of crazy-town.

Guys, What ever happened to Blue Dog Democrats?
4 Opinion