Guys, should 11 year old children be kicked out of class if they don't agree with the drag queen teacher?

Guys, should 11 year old children be kicked out of class if they dont agree with the drag queen teacher?

The Isle of Man government has suspended sex education at schools after a drag queen allegedly forced a student to leave class for refuting the concept of 73 genders, according to a new report from The Telegraph.

A petition from parents of students attending Queen Elizabeth II High School previously called for an "immediate investigation" into the curriculum. The petition was addressed to the school’s head teacher Charlotte Clarke and signed by more than 500 people.

"We consider the attendance of a ‘drag queen’ in class and alienating students clearly confused about the information discussed during this session wholly inappropriate," the petition reads in part.


My thoughts:

I'm sure if the boy was wearing a MAGA hat, he would also be kicked out of class. That's because "tolerance" is not tolerant. Woke communism is anything but tolerant. The woke communists are cancelling everything they don't like. They are cancelling words and editing books.

Guys, should 11 year old children be kicked out of class if they dont agree with the drag queen teacher?

The communist woke criticized this show, because six heterosexual white people aren't allowed to be friends. It was a wildly popular hit series, but now it's bad because the communist woke have spoken.

Guys, should 11 year old children be kicked out of class if they dont agree with the drag queen teacher?
Marta Fran Kauffman, writer and co-creator of the series caves under pressure and pays $3,000,000.00 to appease the kind, caring, loving communist woke.
Guys, should 11 year old children be kicked out of class if they don't agree with the drag queen teacher?
19 Opinion