Why do some put others down? How can we cultivate a kinder society? Protect ourselves from negativity, while staying compassionate?

Why do so many individuals seem to be drowning in a sea of toxicity and self-loathing? It's as though we've become a society that thrives on putting others down, all while secretly battling our own feelings of inadequacy. Everywhere you turn, people are striving for unattainable goals and obsessing over their every move. And when someone actually achieves something, instead of celebrating their success, we're met with a barrage of insults and hateful comments. It makes me wonder: have we lost our ability to be genuinely happy for others? Why has our world become so consumed with negativity and cynicism? And most importantly, what can we do to turn things around? and how we can protect ourselves with such sick minded toxic individuals?

Why do some put others down? How can we cultivate a kinder society? Protect ourselves from negativity, while staying compassionate?
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