Are women or men better at acknowledging qualities in people they do NOT like?

Like anybody there are plenty of people I’ve encountered or know as public figures (celebrities, politicians, etc.) that I don’t like.

However I can compartmentalize my brain to look at them objectively. While I have my obvious reasons for disliking them but that doesn’t mean I can’t acknowledge or even respect certain qualities about them. Like-ability is not the same thing as respect.

For example I highly disliked former president Obama. I believe he was a Trojan horse for all the radical politics and division going on in our culture today.

However I can acknowledge that he has the gift of gab. Very eloquent. Smooth talker. I can understand how that made him so popular among voters. But again that doesn’t mean I like him. But I can acknowledge and respect that quality.

It’s just in my experience women have a much harder time separating like-ability and respect. Once they decide they don’t like someone then they refuse to acknowledge any of their qualities. They seem to be more all or nothing when it comes to this.

Women are better at acknowledging qualities in people they don’t like
Men are better at acknowledging qualities in people they don’t like
Equal/depends on the person
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Are women or men better at acknowledging qualities in people they do NOT like?
Post Opinion