Rather than making yourself look like a fool by crying about an ex president, why not elect a president who can at least read a teleprompter?

Rather than making yourself look like a fool by crying about an ex president, why not elect a president who can at least read a teleprompter?

He said that Russia invaded Iran! lol Everyone with a working brain knows they invaded Ukraine. And what's worse, he was reading it on a teleprompter! How do you confuse Ukraine with Iran? How do you send tens of billions to a country, and then forget where you sent it?

The Easter bunny told Biden he couldn't answer questions from reporters. Can you imagine any other president taking orders from the Easter bunny?

Joe is the only person in America who doesn't know who Brandon is! How is this possible?

This isn't about Republican VS Democrat, you Dems could have voted for Yang or Tulsi, but you chose an old guy who can't form a sentence. Why? And what makes it worse, is you swear the election wasn't rigged! lol At least if you said the election was rigged, I could still have some faith in the Democrat party. But according to you guys, you intentionally voted for a guy who takes orders from the Easter bunny.

I guess you think that if you cry loud enough about Trump, everyone will forget that you elected a president that makes Jimmy Carter look like a genius.

Rather than making yourself look like a fool by crying about an ex president, why not elect a president who can at least read a teleprompter?
7 Opinion