How does a person disappear?

Joseph Mifsud, after 2017, disappeared.. after tossing his passport and ID. There's some evidence he was alive in 2018 and 2019. Somehow he would have gotten to Switzerland, without a passport. He was a central figure in the starting of what is now known as "The Russian Hoax" that attacked former President Trump for years. He claims (see link below), he was setup by US Central Intelligence to take down President Trump.

I find it hard to believe in this day and age, someone whom uses a phone, credit cards, etc... just disappears and the top law enforcement agencies in the USA cannot find him.

For those of you whom don't know, it looks like President Trump was attacked by a lie, formulated by some powerful people whom so far, have gotten away with it. Some of those people, may be in Congress right now.

Censur of Adam Schiff for lying. Note, no democrats supported this censure.

How does a person disappear?
CIA protects him!
You can disappear, just...
He's probably dead
He's in Russia
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How does a person disappear?
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