I really don't want to live in Texas anymore but I don't think I can move away. I don't know what to do?


In my Texas town, things are affordable. I even paid off my 2018 house last year because it was so cheap. At the market I can get a box of mangoes for $5. But yeah the job market blows and average jobs pay $8-12 per hour. But since we have little to no debt we can get by easily. Heck we can save up $20k a year just with regular jobs. My family is there and it creates a great support system. Mexico is also close which is great because I go there for affordable dental treatments, cheap medicines, and cheap/close flights to Cancun, etc. I love, love the food. Basically we have it really good here economically speaking. And what we're doing is saving up to go travel every 3-5 years for months.

But. There's many negatives. Fkn horrible weather. It's hot as FUCK, when it rains, it can also hail and destroy cars. Apparently we're due for a hurricane. The property taxes are INSANE and they keep raising every year. Some people pay more in taxes and their mortgage. People here have a really toxic culture where cheating is romanticized and blasting music at 3am to keep the whole neighborhood awake is normal and the police does nothing. Everyone here has or wants a 60k monster pickup truck, everyone here is selfish and horrible drivers. People are the most ignorant you'll ever meet. I had to explain to a 22 year old that Trump is not the president of all countries. Yes education SUCKS, politics SUCK, I mean I can keep going. There's noooo nature and it's ugly af.

I want to move to the Pacific Northwest. I want to be close to mountains, forests, nature, more job opportunities, multiculturalism, a different culture. I love rain, I want to see seasons, I want to go camping and hiking. I want to move so bad but if I do... Forget about saving money, traveling, or owning a house since cost of living will have us living paycheck by paycheck

I don't know what to do šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«

I really don't want to live in Texas anymore but I don't think I can move away. I don't know what to do?
12 Opinion