Should there be a MAXIMUM OFFICE-ENTRANCE AGE LIMIT (OR EXIT AGE LIMIT) for elected officials?

Picture from article #2 below
Picture from article #2 below

Reference article 1:

Reference article 2:

Note 1: This question was inspired by the following question…

Americans: Should Both Biden & Trump Drop Out Of The 2024 Us Presidential Race?

…and was specifically inspired by @Dargil saying this on that question: “I would like to see a Constitutional Amendment setting the maximum age at Inauguration at 75.”

Note 2: Choose the answer-option in the poll that most closely matches your response to this question.

Note 3: Please state in your comments WHICH ANSWER-OPTION LETTER you selected in the poll.

A - Yes — The maximum age limit for elected officials should be 65 (or maybe even lower than 65)
B - Yes — The maximum age limit for elected officials should be 70
C - Yes — The maximum age limit for elected officials should be 75
D - Yes — The maximum age limit for elected officials should be 80
E - Yes — The maximum age limit for elected officials should be 85 (or maybe even higher than 85)
F - I’M NOT SURE if there should be a maximum age limit for elected officials
G - NO — There should NOT be a maximum age limit for elected officials
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
9 mo

The “List of current United States Senators by age” link in UPDATE 1 is out of date but the “How Old is the 118th Congress?” link in UPDATE 1 has “AGE OF THE SENATE” (as well as “AGE OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES”) information within it.
Should there be a MAXIMUM OFFICE-ENTRANCE AGE LIMIT (OR EXIT AGE LIMIT) for elected officials?
4 Opinion