What do you think are the chances that a guy who can't even stay awake during a meeting in front ofthe press will be running for US President in 2024?


Nevermind that he is selling out America to its enemies for millions of dollars in bribes, what do you think are the chances that Joe Biden, who can't even put a coherent sentence together, will actually be the Democrat's candidate for president in 2024 like he says he is going to be?

Here is his latest work a few days ago. Falling asleep and mumbling incoherent words while meeting in front of the press with the President of Israel. Can you imagine what that guy was thinking watching the leader of the free world doing this?

Biden is the best president for China, Russia, Iran and North Korea America ever had. But the WORST president America and the free world ever had. GOD HELP US! Use your BRAINS Americans. Stop voting for the destruction of your own country!

What do you think are the chances that a guy who can't even stay awake during a meeting in front ofthe press will be running for US President in 2024?
15 Opinion