Do parents have a religious right to abuse their own children?


Say a parent has a religious belief that certain things like medicine and therapy are fundamentally wrong. As strange as this sounds, there are many cases of parents holding these exact beliefs and their CHILDREN paying the consequences for it.

Do parents have a religious right to abuse their own children?

Children who had very treatable ailments instead of being brought to a doctor, were prayed over, only to keep suffering indefinitely and even die slow painful deaths before their parents dain to seek proper care. Children who have psychological issues—or even just don't fit the parents idea of an ideal child—being physically tortured into submission, even further trauma, and even murdered by "well meaning" religious parents and exorcists.

I do not think that ANY of those kinds of things are a parent's right. I don't care what religion they are or aren't. I think a child's right to safety, to a life free of abuse, should ALWAYS come before ANY rights of the parents.

Unfortunately not everyone believes this. There are in fact many people who argue that a parent has EVERY right to raise a child however they see fit—especially if it is in line with their religion. That a parents rights include everything from denying a child medical care to physically beating the child at their discretion. Often these people's own parents beat then as a child too. It's a sad cycle, and they have my empathy as I share the experience, but they do not have my support.

Do parents have a religious right to abuse their own children?
8 Opinion