Which Supreme Court Justices are going to come to the rescue for Trump?


Trump May Need Supreme Court To Say His Coup Attempt Does Not Violate Constitution

— While Donald Trump wants to take his case for returning to the White House to some 200 million American voters, he may first need to win over five — a majority on the U. S. Supreme Court

As the 2024 presidential primaries near, the former president, already under four criminal indictments, is likely to face yet another legal challenge that appears headed for the courts: whether the Constitution’s ban on insurrectionists seeking office applies to his Jan. 6, 2021, coup attempt.

“The question of Donald Trump’s disqualification under the 14th Amendment will be decided by the Supreme Court,” predicted Michael Luttig, a renowned conservative former federal appellate judge who was once himself considered for the high court by President George W. Bush.

The post-Civil War 14th Amendment bans anyone who took an oath to uphold the Constitution but who subsequently “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” or gave “aid or comfort to the enemies” of the Constitution from seeking any federal or state office.

And while the liberal-leaning group Free Speech for People has been demanding that elections officials in all 50 states and the District of Columbia honor that prohibition by keeping Trump off primary and general election ballots, those efforts were recently boosted by unlikely allies. Two law professors, both members of the conservative Federalist Society, released a lengthy law review article concluding that Trump is absolutely disqualified from running for office because of his Jan. 6 actions.

His 3 Justices he and the Right Wing Trumplicans installed
Thomas and Alito
All 6 Republican Justices
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Which Supreme Court Justices are going to come to the rescue for Trump?
1 Opinion