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"We should love life as it is, rather than reproach it for not corresponding to our dreams. By dint of hoping for happiness tomorrow, we prevent ourselves from living it today."

"We can't forbid ourselves to hope. As Spinoza says, there is no hope without fear, and no fear without hope. As soon as we're afraid, we hope. If your child has a fever of 39, you fear a serious illness and immediately hope he'll get better. Inevitable. It's not a question of forbidding ourselves from hoping, but of hoping a little less, and therefore fearing a little less, when we're capable of it, and above all knowing, acting and loving a little more.

This also applies to politics. Take climate change, for example. If you say to me: "I hope the climate will stabilize at what it was 50 years ago", that's not optimism, it's silliness. The truth is, we know it won't. The right question isn't what you hope for, it's what you do about it. Anyone who hopes the climate will stabilize is a climate skeptic. That's the truth. And it's just as silly as the woman who believes in Prince Charming or the man who's looking for his ideal woman.

Let's stop blaming life for not matching our dreams, and love it as it is. This is the wisdom of Montaigne. He loved life all the more because he had fewer illusions about it. When we no longer believe in Prince Charming, when we no longer believe in the ideal woman, we can start to live real love stories."

(André Comte-Sponville)
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