Guys, who support people like Andrew Tate since most decent guys raised properly & who contribute to society don't mention him - what's so special?

Quite honestly no decent or respectable guy any of my male cousins or brothers know, or who I know through work, or my husband knows... nobody talks favorably of Tate.

Mind you majority of these men were raised properly in decent respectable households not with by single mothers or where "dad" was an abusive asshole
Act decently & respectable to other men & women (no name calling, badgering, harassing, etc. as is quite typical among "men" on GAG),
And contribute value to society that others talk favorably about - such as volunteering, etc.

8 mo
And since a lot of the trolls on this site think money = value

One of these men owns a 15.7 million dollar business and takes money 1.75-2.1 million home yearly. He built it up himself. His wife is a decent respectable woman who volunteers, etc. and unlike many "high value men" with their prostitute-wannabe partners has only slept with 2 men in her life.
8 mo
And I have watched a number of Tate's videos. All I see him doing is debasing known mental health issues, degrading other men by calling them "weak" - when bullies like him ARE psychologically weak, talking about abusing women or using ignorant degrading terminology

And for the guys who says he wants younger inexperienced women - DO TRY to do your research in 2017 one of his videos or he was kicked out of an airport for encouraging women NOT to be decent respectable women and good mothers.
Guys, who support people like Andrew Tate since most decent guys raised properly & who contribute to society don't mention him - what's so special?
Post Opinion