Deep devil’s advocate question about 2023 Israel Gaza conflict. Did top Israeli officials knew this was going to happen but let it go on anyway?


There is news coming out that Egypt warned Israel days before the Iron Wall breach that Hamas was preparing an attack. Also Hamas had terrorists training camps that can be viewed by satellite. It’s very hard to believe that Israel didn’t know about those training facilities. Hamas was literally hiding in plain sight.

The cataclysmic failure of the Israeli intelligent agencies to anticipate this terrorist attack really makes me wonder. I know Israel has long had its hands tied given how Hamas intentionally uses innocent civilians as human shields. Hamas WANTS their own innocent civilians to die by collateral damage so they can blame Israel. The know the leftist western mass media will support that narrative too.

So Israel was constantly forced to tip toe as cautiously as they could when retaliating against Hamas. No other military in the world has gone as far as the IDF has to minimize collateral damage. It’s a constant exercise on futility.

But I wonder that too Israeli officials just let the terror attack happen so they would finally have the excuse they needed to invade the Gaza Strip and fully eradicate Hamas once and for all. Even if it means thousands of innocent lives they can now finally be justified to do what’s necessary.

Just a thought. And for the record I think Hamas militants aren’t even human and need to be dealt with accordingly. When you kill babies and brag about it you are an animal. Lowest form of life on earth. You aren’t human.

Deep devil’s advocate question about 2023 Israel Gaza conflict. Did top Israeli officials knew this was going to happen but let it go on anyway?
3 Opinion