Is Feminism just a tool used by the elite to divide the genders?

Is Feminism just a tool used by the elite to divide the genders?

Here is my part of my opinion summarized:

Feminism is a ideology that seeks to undermine the human condition. I personally believe Feminim is not only Misandrist but even more so Msogynist in nature.

Here are a few open ended question and statements for any feminists reading this:

Can u provide evidence fo the claim that women are opressed in western societies?

_ Bad things that happen to someone because of their gender dont constitute proof of opression. _

Do you deny the biological differences in men and women?

_ physically AND mentally. _

Why are women getting more and more depressed every year?

_ Why did that trend begin in the late 60s?_

Why are gender differences growing in Scandinavia?

_Are they just uber sexist over there?_

Feminism is a tool used to control the populace!
Feminism has good reasons to exist!
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Is Feminism just a tool used by the elite to divide the genders?
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