Did you know u. s. gives millions to mexico?

in theory, cutting budget to mexico, relative to obama, is sort of mexico paying for part of the border wall instead of giving same amount.

people recently mocked "trump didn't buil wall, nor mexico pay" referred to incomplete as i will explain but the FACTS are despite incomplete did BUILD and instead of mexico budget.

obama in one term gave 1b, 424m, 000,000 over four years. obama one term MOST years 3/4 MORE than 330 million each of 3 years, just election year finally insincere gave less for election.

in contrast trump gave 179m LESS than obama, MANY millions, trump MOST years 3/4 LESS than 300m instead of to mexico like obama.

and DID build, as much as possible but they say trump failed, changing incomplete to "didn't build", truly did build just incomplete, why? because... congress wanted to spend huge amounts on OTHER stuff instead of a wall. prevented trump promise. so he built as much as possible and battled...

Did you know u. s. gives millions to mexico?

argument about funding, so he did what he COULD to build the wall that now... even biden is adding to... biden building that "racist" fence. lol. actions speak louder than words dnc was wrong in each of these details admitting now in action need wall and less to mexico.

5 mo
obama sent money aid to MANY countries gave "charity" when u. s. had gigantic debt but people who have big debt need to pay it before giving charity. not give charity recklessly.
obama NEGLIGENCE grew debt to around 17 trillion. biden continued this policy for example in 2022 ADDED 200 million to aid central america recklessly growing debt. would you do that in YOUR home budget? huge credit card bill, spending more than income but borrow more to give charity. that isn't the idea of charity.
Did you know u. s. gives millions to mexico?
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