Guys, Trump said that on day one he's going to be a dictator for ONE day ONLY! So why is the left foaming at the mouth and twisting his words?


The truth of what Trump said. He wants to reverse the moronic Biden policies. He wants to drill in the US for oil, and uphold the immigration law. Wow, what a dictator! Tell me it's not so!

Make NO mistake, both Republicans and Democrats supported the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. That set us back about 7 trillion. Trump was against those wars, but he gets no credit from the liberals.

Guys, Trump said that on day one hes going to be a dictator for ONE day ONLY! So why is the left foaming at the mouth and twisting his words?

I talked to an ex-marine on this site, and he strongly feels he'll be forced to go back into combat against his will. (he's not the guy in the picture) He sees the shit that's brewing, and he said it doesn't look good.

A lot of people are anticipating the draft coming back. We had peace for four years, but that's about to change.

Guys, Trump said that on day one hes going to be a dictator for ONE day ONLY! So why is the left foaming at the mouth and twisting his words?

I hate liberals. We have a 500 year supply of oil in America, but blah blah blah... green shit, global cooling, global warming, climate change...

"We can't have an oil pipeline in Alaska, because the caribou won't like it." "We can't drill for oil, it's not good for the environment."

Guys, Trump said that on day one hes going to be a dictator for ONE day ONLY! So why is the left foaming at the mouth and twisting his words?

If in fact Biden reinstates the draft, I want EVERYONE to be eligible. I want the Bush family to fight, the Cheney family to fight, The Biden family to fight, the Obama family to fight, and everyone else.

Guys, Trump said that on day one hes going to be a dictator for ONE day ONLY! So why is the left foaming at the mouth and twisting his words?

If the elites had to fight in wars, there would be no wars.

Guys, Trump said that on day one he's going to be a dictator for ONE day ONLY! So why is the left foaming at the mouth and twisting his words?
2 Opinion