Since no one know if life is common or if it only exists on earth, would you like for the U. S. to send a manned mission to mars to search for life?

Ancient Ocean on Mars
Ancient Ocean on Mars

Though we see Mars today as a cold, barren, arid desert, there is a wealth of evidence that the Martian surface once ran deep with liquid water oceans.

The fact that around 4 billion years ago the Red Planet enjoyed a warm and wet climate not dissimilar to Earth has fueled the scientific investigation of the planet as rovers and other robot missions search for signs that the planet once harbored life.

An ancient ocean on Mars

A new set of topographic maps featured in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets presents new evidence for an ancient ocean.

The team behind the study found evidence of a roughly 3.5-billion-year-old shoreline with sedimentary accumulation at least 900 meters thick in an area in the northern hemisphere of Mars. This substantial build-up of sediment covers hundreds of thousands of square kilometers and implies the existence of a massive ancient ocean.

The paper also offers the strongest argument yet in support of the idea that Mars once experienced sea-level rise that is consistent with an extended warm and wet climate.

If we could discover that life on Mars still exist or did exist in the past, that would strongly indicate that life is common throughout the universe; especially if any RNA and/or DNA is different than what is found on earth proving that life on earth didn't originate on Mars.

Failure to find life or any remains of life on Mars would be more evidence, that we may be alone in the Universe.

Since no one know if life is common or if it only exists on earth, would you like for the U. S. to send a manned mission to mars to search for life?
15 Opinion