Why do you think the social climate around race is as it is with the statistics below being true?

"According to Bureau of Justice statistics, there were 6.5 million police interactions with Black people in 2018 but only 22 were killed by police. According to these numbers, the chances of a Black person being killed by a cop are less than his chances of being killed by lightning."


So.. looks like BLM should be looking into protection from lightning more than protection from police.

Although I will throw out for you guys the amusing fact that a cop is more likely to kill you than a terrorist in the USA.

2 mo
As in, a cop is more likely to kill you than a terrorist is likely to kill you. I worded that last paragraph a bit poorly.
1 mo
You people are also assuming that these black people are killed exclusively by white cops. Not true.
Why do you think the social climate around race is as it is with the statistics below being true?
Post Opinion