Does anybody know of any good psychological research studies that explains the motivation to be “woke”?


At a cursory glance it would seemingly be that radical leftist beliefs are about a (very misguided) sense of altruism. Also the “holier than thou” superior feeling of condescension is very addictive for many people.

I also theorize many wokester leaders/influencers really are sociopaths and actually don’t believe in that insanity. However they have calculated that it is more monetarily and socially advantageous to themselves if they outwardly support those beliefs. They feel no moral cognitive dissonance about being hypocrites either. One classic example is how Bernie Sanders became a millionaire writing books about socialism.

Mind you that Bernie used to use the phrase “millionaires and billionaires” in a derogatory sense. Now he conveniently just says “billionaires” during his political rallies.

Now I could come up a list a mile long about the gross hypocrisies of wokesters. But they don’t care and feel no shame about it. So I am really interested in what the psychology is when it comes to people.

I can have patience for people who are young, naive and misguided. Once they are presented with cold hard facts and reality they can change their minds.

But what absolutely bewilders me is how some people act this way towards movements that are blatant existential threats to their own existence. It’s the leftist feminist women, gays and trans people who are insanely supporting radical Islamist terrorists groups like Hamas. Those same people would be quickly murdered and/or raped if they behaved the way they did in a society that practiced sharia law.

But pointing out that insane hypocrisy seems to do nothing to change these people. So I am more curious what is their real motivation for acting so hypocritical? Are there psychological research studies behind this behavior?

1 mo
I know I triggered some leftists using the term “woke” several times in my above question. But here are the origins of the phrase and it was NOT invented by conservatives. It is a leftist phrase that more recently took on a derogative meaning

For the record I do NOT believe all democrats are “woke” any more then I believe all conservatives are MAGA.
1 mo
In hindsight I could of worded this question better. I did take some hard shots at leftists. While I stand with what I said it also got away from the main question: why do these people think the way they do? RavVid actually gave me the best response so far.
Does anybody know of any good psychological research studies that explains the motivation to be “woke”?
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