Do smokers pay their fair share?

Do smokers pay their fair share?

My state has some of the lowest cigarette taxes in the country. We also have one of the highest rates of smoking and one of the highest poverty rates.

Both men and women with incomes below the federal poverty level had a significantly higher smoking prevalence than those who lived at or above the poverty level. This means that people on public assistance: housing aid, Medicaid, SNAP, etc are more likely to smoke.

Children living with smokers are at greater risk for bronchiolitis, pneumonia and other respiratory infections. They are also more likely to acquire and be hospitalized for asthma and develop middle-ear disease. Moreover, they are at increased risk of dying before their fifth birthday. Given the cost that smokers cost on society by using taxpayer funded healthcare to cover their lung disease and heart disease, and missed days at work, accidental fires, etc. Should cigarette taxes be raised?

Every year, smoking costs the U. S. more than $300 billion, which includes both medical care and lost productivity. Unfortunately, some people will have to pay more depending on the state in which they live. The Societal Costs of Smokers

Yes, the money they pay in taxes is less than the money they receive from taxpayers
No, too many poor people are smoking while the taxpayers fund their housing, health care, children, etc
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Do smokers pay their fair share?
10 Opinion