If it's illegal in your state for biological males to use the ladies room, which of these people would arouse the most suspicion?


The law says people must use the bathroom that corresponds with their birth genitalia. Your boss puts you in charge of making sure biological males don't use the women's bathroom. Which of these people's genitals are you inspecting before you allow them to enter?

If its illegal in your state for biological males to use the ladies room, which of these people would arouse the most suspicion?
Person 1
Person 2
Person 3
Person 4
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
15 d
only one of these people is a biological male
15 d
it's coming to a red state near you!
If it's illegal in your state for biological males to use the ladies room, which of these people would arouse the most suspicion?
3 Opinion