What in your opinion do you feel men get shamed for too often that they shouldn't?

In the following video, a woman named Emily W King, talks about the common seven things men get shamed for by women such as if a man talks at all about physical preferences, he will get shamed for it. Men should be entitled to have their physical preferences just like women do.

Another thing she mentions that men get often shamed for is wanting a woman who needs a man. A lot of women will say that they don't need a man which is a turn-off for men and as it should be. A woman being able to be vulnerable to a man is a turn-on.

Another one she brings up is caring about a woman's body count and having a lot of friendships with exes. Men get shamed for caring about these things when they shouldn't.

Here is the video where she talks more in-depth about it:

What in your opinion do you feel men get shamed for too often that they shouldn't?
23 Opinion