Overbearing boyfriend

my boyfriend of 3 months is desperately trying to get me to change my Facebook profile to a picture of us on my Facebook. I currently just have a single shot of me up. I don't want to change my profile picture because I like being independent and feel like my life isn't all just about him. Maybe eventually I will change it for a little bit but at my own rate. I've talked to him about it and he keeps saying it will mean the world to him and that it will keep other guys away. It's so stupid. And then every time I get a text he looks over my shoulder and says let me see. When I tell him no, he's like well if you weren't hiding anything you would let me see. He always is always prying into me and my friends conversations when we hang out and is always like "who's that?" and why were you talking to that person. I feel so trapped and I just want some privacy. I'm not hiding anything but he's always on my case about stuff. Is it okay to want my privacy? I love my boyfriend but this has got to stop. I want my own separate life besides just our relationship. Why is he doing this?
Overbearing boyfriend
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