I can't keep up financially with my boyfriend?

How do I explain this to him?

We've been dating for a little over a year.

I am a 19 year old broke college student who is unemployed at the moment.

My boyfriend is an 18 year old high school senior whose parents provide him with spending money because he has no job due to sports.

When we first started dating, he paid for me to go to movies, and dinner which was fine but I was totally able to pay for myself since I had a job then and money coming in.

I know his parents don't like it that he pays my way since it is, in fact, their money. They've wanted him to stop paying for me for a while.

Problem is, he chooses now, when I have no money, to stop. I don't want to sound selfish here, but I can't keep up with his lifestyle. Before, when I was employed, I would have been able to, no problem. But not now without a steady flow of income.

So yesterday, we spent the day together. We went out to lunch, then to a movie, then out to dinner and then his friends called and invited us to another movie. So we went to that.

My boyfriend spent the whole time talking about how he had close to $500 in his wallet but yet, didn't even go dutch with me at lunch. I paid for both of us.

Then I paid for my own movie ticket both times and then I paid for my own dinner.

Which, under different circumstances, would be fine (I don't want any of you guys complaining about how I'm "a greedy bitch" or whatever) but without any income (my parents never gave me spending money) I'm using my savings from my summer job.

This also wouldn't be an issue if I weren't already using that money to pay for books and classes and gas for my F150, and for when I go out with friends at school and then there's the money I had put aside specifically for his Christmas present. I was planning on coughing up $150 for his gift and now I'm not sure if I can afford it.

That wouldn't be an issue, if I hadn't already asked him to clear his schedule for the 15th.

Sorry, this turned into a rant, but I can't keep up with him if all our days together are going to cost as much as yesterday did.

I don't know how to bring this up to him without sounding like a bitch or something.

I can't keep up financially with my boyfriend?
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