Do you feel insulted with people online that make you feel stupid or question your intelligence?


I do. Even if they may be correct, the fact that they rub it in in a mean way is downright cruel in my opinion. And sometimes, the things that they say or claim as fact ISN'T factually correct, but just anecdotal evidence or even just straight out lies! I guess what I'm just saying is that I frequently get appalled by the lack of MATURITY with people online. They call me stupid, or an idiot, when in fact, THEY are the ones who so often are being that way! Their IMMATURITY is really obvious. There's no humbleness or humility! I don't see it here. It is a rare thing! And I find that sad! Just because you disagree with me or you think you know better, does NOT give you the right to call me names or argue your point to death, geez!

People, I guess they really DO take their life's frustrations out on people online. How sad and immature, not to mention cruel.

P. S. I notice this more when I am anonymous but it shouldn't take me not being anonymous to see the difference! Every anonymous person that writes questions and comments here still has feelings! That "anonymity" shouldn't give people the green light to be assholes!

Do you feel insulted with people online that make you feel stupid or question your intelligence?
24 Opinion