
The Caribbean Experience at its Finest

There are some things that you can't find anywhere else but in the tropical climate of the Caribbean where music, food, culture, people and history are concerned.

Jamaica, one such country, is represented by the vibrant colours of black, green and gold. Black for its people, green for the land and gold for the sunshine that is present all year round.

The Caribbean Experience at its Finest

Despite being known for its large African population, Arawak Indians were one of the first inhabitants of the country, but were soon wiped out due to the Spanish invasion led by Christopher Columbus in 1494.

Overtime, the country was able to develope a sense of independence where traditions and cultural endeavors were concerned. One such is the vibrant reggae music that keeps you etching for the dance floor.

The Caribbean Experience at its Finest

Reggae music is enjoyed by many and the lyrical tunes of Bob Marley, the legend himself, never fails to enthrall its listeners with positive, upbeat messages.

There is also the food which has a flavourful taste that leaves you licking your fingers- literally. With all natural spices and a mixture of cooking styles from various ethnic groups, the Jamaican cuisine never fails to disappoint.

The Caribbean Experience at its Finest

The ackee and saltfish.

The Caribbean Experience at its Finest

Oxtail and rice with peas.

The sunshine.

It is hard to differentiate the weather with an almost always present glow from the sun. Winters are generally hot and only the chill of a cool breeze will give away the winter season.

The Caribbean Experience at its Finest

What's any country without its people? From the fastest man alive, to the most creative human beings, Jamaica boasts it's people with pride and joy.

The Caribbean Experience at its Finest
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