Back by Popular Demand: Ten More Frightening Movie Scenes

On Halloween, I released a list of ten movie scary movies scenes which probably had people wetting their pants as they watched them.

Because of the popularity of that MyTake, and because people wanted more, I'm now releasing ten more bone-chilling movie scenes as a post-Halloween present!

1. A Nightmare on Elm Street(1984)-Tina's Death Scene

I decided to kick this list off with a classic. In my opinion, this is the scariest scene in the movie, and it proves that asymmetry can be scary.

2. Pet Sematary(1989)-The Legend of Zelda: Part 3

In my other Take, I posted the first part of Sister Zelda. Now, I'm going to show you the third time we visit Sister Zelda. Sister Zelda rises again-please, be careful Rachel.

3. It Follows(2014)-The Old Woman Scene

You know why this movie is so eerie for people? Because it doesn't rely on jump-scares, monsters/ghosts, blood, gore, or even the supernatural-It's simply knowing that someone, or something is following you, and that absolutely terrifies me.

4. Pumpkinhead(1988)-Pumpkinhead Rises

In one of the most underrated horror films of all time, we finally get to see Pumpkin rise, once, and forever. It was at this point they all fucked up.

5. Cloverfield(2008)-Subway Scene

This found-footage film doesn't get enough praise, and this scene keeps you at the edge of your seat. Sometimes, big things really do come in small packages.

6. Jeepers Creepers(2001)-The Chase Scene

The chase scene from the "Creeper" really set the tone of this movie. Who wasn't nervous watching this?

7. V/H/S 2(2013)-Escaping From Hell

The entire V/H/S trilogy is a composition of anthology movies. Some stories are amazing, some are terrible-and some are downright terrifying.

8. Scream(1996)-Opening Scene

This is one of the best opening scenes in horror film history. Need I say more?

9. The Ring(2002)-The Ending

Here it is-the scariest movie ending of all time.

10. The Conjuring(2013)-The Dresser Scene

James Wan is a horror movie genius. This is one of the only times I've gasped at a scary scene in the movie theater.

Back by Popular Demand: Ten More Frightening Movie Scenes
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