Did I do the right thing declining a work team dinner after an all day offsite (aka team building all day)?

I'm feeling really conflicted about this. Basically, my company is flying people out from around the country to my city and we're going to spend two days in a row together (which was optional, but I decided to go to the offsite to meet people).

After spending all day together, we're going out to dinner on one day and doing an activity on the other day. I agreed to do the activity, but told my boss I won't be attending the team dinner on the other night.

I'm an introvert, and I wanted to have that time to decompress, but now I'm feeling bad since people are traveling so far for this.

Did I do the right thing declining, especially since I'm spending the rest of the two days with them?

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Did I do the right thing declining a work team dinner after an all day offsite (aka team building all day)?
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