House of Cards Creator pleads with Twitter to delete Donald Trumps account

House of Cards Creator pleads with Twitter to delete Donald Trumps account

Beau Willimon, creator of Netflix’s political series House of Cards, countered Donald Trump’s Saturday Twitter rant with one of his own. “Today’s tantrum is just the latest example of why @realDonaldTrump & @Potus must be removed from @twitter,” Willimon began a 16-tweet argument.

The writer-producer was referring to Trump alleging over the social media platform that Barack Obama had his “‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower” before the election. “How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy,” the president tweeted from his personal account.

Since the president holds “a supreme and unique responsibility unlike any other user,” Willimon wrote that Trump’s tweets have “real and significant impact on the business of governance, world affairs and national security.” He continued, “President Trump has consistently made misleading claims, attacked the judiciary and threatened sovereign states, the press & public. His tweets recklessly bypass diplomatic channels without consultation from the State Department, [Intelligence Community] or the Pentagon.”

House of Cards Creator pleads with Twitter to delete Donald Trumps account
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