Do you think that Andrew Tate is basically just the male equivalent of Kim Kardashian?

Do you think that Andrew Tate is basically just the male equivalent of Kim Kardashian?
Two sh*t-for-brains garbage human beings.
Two sh*t-for-brains garbage human beings.

I am sick of all the Andrew Tate dick-riding going on, and I don't even necessarily disagree with much of the stuff he claims to say. He's just so transparently a con artist, huckster, grifter, and scammer, and it frustrates me how so many men can be so f*cking STUPID to not see this obvious snake oil salesman. I can't respect anyone who preys on the insecure and gives them false hope through a veneer of vanity and superficial bullsh*t.

That's why Andrew Tate reminds me of a male Kim Kardashian and how so many women have this "toxic" portrayal of how they should be because she gives them false hope based on vanity and selfishness, as well. The one thing I'll say is, at least Kim Kardashian isn't intentionally fake, like Tate is. She's just American royalty and offers no value to anyone's existence; just like Andrew Tate.

The difference is, Tate is intentionally preying on vulnerable, insecure young men who third and fourth wave feminism has beaten into submission and silence with all the "toxic masculinity" and misandry sh*t that's been going on, over the years. I can see Andrew Tate's appeal, however I'm also not stupid, and can see him for being the quick-talking con artist and phony, little-dick "fake Alpha Male" that he is.

Anyway, what say you? Is Andrew Tate just the red-pilled male Kim Kardashian?

Yes, Andrew Tate and Kim K are just the same vapid, superficial, narcissistic depiction of phony modern society.
No, Andrew Tate is not the same as Kim Kardashian! (I'll explain why.)
"Who are these people? I don't care."
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Do you think that Andrew Tate is basically just the male equivalent of Kim Kardashian?
16 Opinion