Are you watching the eclipse?

26 d
I went out and didn't see much of anything. It was kinda weird in that; in the shade, it was like evening but, in the sunlight, it was pretty much normal but with a slightly dark "hue". Looking at the Sun, I didn't see any eclipsing. But, if I looked at the sky east of the Sun, it was darker than the rest of the sky. Just a narrow band of slightly darker sky running across the middle.
It didn't help at all that there were two clouds passing across the Sun DURING the eclipse and, as far as...
26 d
looking at the video I posted here, it was about 90% cloudy so, there was nothing to see but a burnt orange picture.
In a way, I tried that gag where you try to view it on the ground through a hole you hold up but, all I saw was sunlight and that was a moment before it went total. I ended up just yanking 3 days worth of weeds and feeding my attack bunny.
Are you watching the eclipse?
6 Opinion