Ex Girlfriend has gone Cold after we Kissed?

Hot and Cold. Myself 27. Ex 22.
Having a lot of issues dealing with the rollercoaster ride with my ex. She broke up with me 6 months ago, and since we have had ups and downs. This woman is truly the love of my life and it has been hard. One issue I have is everytime I realize to try and move on she reaches out, and when she gets me hooked again goes cold. Weeks of crazy sex then cold. Blows up my phone then cold. Tells me she misses me and such, then cold. Asks me about my dating life (none) and goes cold. All start when she reaches out first. Latest example we met for dinner last week (her idea). After weeks of being flakey decided on a night. Been 3 months since we have seen each other in person. Date went well, she even asked if we could do this again at my place next time. Of course I said I would like that very much, walked out to her car like our first date (dejavu) hugged goodbye and kissed her. Kissed very passionately and even heard her sigh and smile when I went back for more. A win! I have been down this rode before so knew to cool it down and not get my hopes up. Reached out couple times on different days and if you saw this coming i am not shocked... cold. . Called once and she did answer and confirmed that next week she would like to see me. We shall see... there is a lot of love between us, but also a lot lf hurt. The question is honestly any ideas? Hate to think one of those movie acenes when the kiss with ex felt nothing and left me wondering. Haha
She has said "I am scared to kiss you and fall back in love with you." And many things like this prior to the date. Personally at the point where my psychie has had enough ride.
Any insights would be helpful!

Thank you,
Ex Girlfriend has gone Cold after we Kissed?
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