Why I Don't Date, Anymore

Why I Don't Date, Anymore

People are generally pretty surprised to here me say this, but it's not like it's my first time saying this. I just don't want to date. I don't! Too much work for a measly return. For those who stuck around for years, that really is some dedication, I hope it's better than anything I can find. Really, I mean that!😊 But, as for me, I think I'll pass, and here's why:

Why I Don't Date, Anymore

1.) I have my own problems

I struggle with all the WONDERFUL things a life with Aspergers Syndrome has to offer, like impaired social skills, anxiety, depression, anger, those sorts of things. I can't concentrate on a girlfiend with all this chaos in my life, already.

Why I Don't Date, Anymore

2.) I haven't assembled my life, yet

I haven't started a career, I don't have my own place, I don't have anything put together, right now. Can you imagine how embarassing it would be to date someone, as a male, and not have this "adult" mantra about you? Some probably can't, but I'm not going to make this über-lengthy, so they can understand.

Why I Don't Date, Anymore

3.) I'm sick of playing guessing games

I'm not about to piss away my life trying to figure out if she's interested or trying to mess with me. I don't have the time, patience, or energy to deal with it. Either you do or don't like me, don't bat me around like a toy.

Why I Don't Date, Anymore

4.) The dating pool, for me, is small and shallow...if it's even there

Unlike my fit, handsome, and outgoing counterparts, I'm left with women who I find unattractive or have bad personalities or both, if there's even anyone left. The odds of someone with an Autism Spectrum Disorder finding love is pretty slim, considering it's a disability and certain girls wouldn't be caught dead dating someone with one. Most want someone with superior genes, anyway. It's a sort of instinct thing, Darwinism, so to speak. In a way, my love life is like Schrödinger's cat. So, for me, it's either date weirdos(in a bad way) or stay single. I'll just stay single, thanks!

Why I Don't Date, Anymore

4.) In the end, bombardments of meaningless clichés are futile

If you feel the need to bombard me with meaningless clichés, go ahead. But, be forewarned, to me, they're just words, words you've probably stolen from a fortune cookie. That doesn't take the pain away. It doesn't encourage me to dust myself off and get back in the dating pool(not to mention a bigger one). Every time someone pitches me a line, I feel like doing this:

Why I Don't Date, Anymore

Your argument is called "deepity", a bunch of meaningless gobbledygook that is intended to make you look like a guru, or whatever. In point of fact, you end up sounding like a jackass. Say what Ed from Shaun of the Dead said," It's not the end of the world."

Why I Don't Date, Anymore

It really isn't! Plus, I kinda like being alone. I can gather my thoughts without someone trying to strike up a conversation. Or have some stranger make a situation awkward by those very means.

I find dating, or attempting to find a date, to be a monotonous and fruitless endeavor, because of this. Why I even talk about it anymore is an enigma, to be honest. I guess because I'm trying to make sense of my situation, or something. Long story short, I think dating is too difficult for the pay off. Now, if you'll excuse me, time to jam to some music!😎💿🔊🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶

Why I Don't Date, Anymore
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