6 Critical Benefits of Getting a Job in Your Teens

I'm a teenager and I'm currently working part time while at high school, and I can definitely see the benefits, so I'm hoping you will too!

The Benefits of Getting a Job in Your Teens

1. Concept of Saving

While having a job means there's cash flow, it also means you can start saving and 'squirreling away' that money for say, a college/university fund or a car.

6 Critical Benefits of Getting a Job in Your Teens

2. Independence & Maturity

Having a job in your teen years comes with responsibility and independence too, and also forces you to grow up a little. Especially if you're working with adults, you'll find yourself becoming more mature too. I found that when I got a job and my life didn't revolve around school, I developed a much more positive outlook of the future and whatever drama happened at school suddenly became trivial.

3. Social Skills

Most jobs involves some form of communication, whether it be talking/serving customers or talking to colleagues, and a job is a great way to improve your social skills and allows you to mix with a wide range of people.

4. Time Management

This is a big one, especially if you're still in high school. Having specific work hours means you have to work around that and any other commitments you have, and then suddenly your time becomes more precious and you find yourself planning and organizing your weeks better.

5. Spending Money!

Seriously, there is such a high demand for material things these days and a lot of pressure put on teens (by teens) to have the latest iPhone, the expensive brands etc, and I used to always find myself short on cash. Now I no longer have to feel guilty mooching off my parents! But it's important to save too, what I do is put 3/4 of my salary in a bank account that I can't touch, and then have the other 1/4 go onto a savings card for me to access.

6 Critical Benefits of Getting a Job in Your Teens

6. Future Jobs

Specifically where you worked as a teen might alter things a little, but it's much more appealing (or so I've been told) to have previous workplace experience as a teenager when applying for jobs when you're older compared to someone who's had no experience.

6 Critical Benefits of Getting a Job in Your Teens

Hope you enjoyed this Take!

*everything here is from my opinion and perspective, and if you disagree, please do so politely*

6 Critical Benefits of Getting a Job in Your Teens
Post Opinion