What every girl, beautiful or not, should know

This goes out to every single girl out there (by single I don't mean "single", I mean each and every one of you), whether you're pretty, ugly, thin, fat, confident, awkward, friendly, mean,..., any type of girl.

What every girl, beautiful or not, should know.

I'm sure you pretty girls like to hear, especially from guys, that you look beautiful and all, even if you know it. And you're always flattered especially when it comes from your crush, or any cute guy.

As for the less pretty girls: you might not hear it very often coming from a guy, but when you do, it makes you feel very special. You might even start developing feelings towards the guy.

What both kind of girls should know is the following:

You. Are. Beautiful. No. Matter. What. Guys. Tell. You.

You don't need a guy to tell you that you look pretty in order for you to believe it.

Every girl is beautiful in her own way. Every person has a definition of beauty and it's not the same for everyone. A guy might find you attractive while another guy wouldn't. What really matters in the end is how you see yourself. You might not have the 'perfect body' or hair or face, but there is always something about you that makes you stand out from any other girl.

What every girl, beautiful or not, should know

When a guy comes to you and compliments your eyes or any other thing, remember one thing: DO NOT BE OR APPEAR TO BE TOO FLATTERED. Don't "melt" when a guy compliments you. Don't be fooled if a guy just came up to you and used some cheesy pick-up line to get through you. Don't feel like you're weak or something. Don't let any guy get to you or affect you somehow. Cuz that's probably what he wants: for him to feel like he owns you or something.

Don't reply with "Really?" or "Awwh", just smile, cuz you already know that and you don't need HIM to remind you of that.

What every girl, beautiful or not, should know

I hope the guys who read this won't be offended somehow cuz I know there are many of you out there who have good intentions when it comes to complimenting a girl.

So, in conclusion, find that special thing about you and hold on to it. It could be anything: a tiny detail about your appearance, your stunning hair, kindness, generosity, intelligence, style or even a talent.

YOU WILL FIND THE PERFECT GUY who's gonna want to share the rest of their lives with you. Even if you don't get approached by many guys, it does not matter. Just don't let any tiny thing that happens affect you.

What every girl, beautiful or not, should know

Don't get me wrong, it is nice to be reminded you're beautiful and there's nothing wrong in feeling special especially when it comes from the specific guy. But too much is too much. I've seen beautiful girls being blinded by guys who make them feel flattered about themselves and just end up heartbroken from several reasons: the guy might only wanna hook up with you, he might seem he's serious about you but end up leaving you when he gets bored, etc.

What every girl, beautiful or not, should know

And once again, no offence boys! You know we love you ( well, most of us do).

So yea.. to every girl out there, beautiful or not, you should know that you are amazing in your own special and unique way. Yes, you are. And I'm not just saying that.

Oh, and lastly but not least, KEEP SMILING! cuz that's the secret of a girl's beauty.

What every girl, beautiful or not, should know

What every girl, beautiful or not, should know
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