Lots of signals from her, am I seeing something more than just friends here?

A girl I've been crushing on for a long time, and we have sort of become close friends. We have the same circle of friends and see each other regularly. I've made a list of things I've noticed when we saw each other for a group dinner last week:

-At first she seems shy, and doesn't say hi, or make eye contact with me. (Sometimes she's like this, maybe she's just following my lead)
-We sat down for dinner and she moved seats to sit right across from me.
-I mentioned seeing my favorite beer being on the menu, and she got really excited and ordered one too to try it.
-She was a bit shy with eye contact at first, but eventually she would give me prolonged eye contact during conversation, four seconds or more.
-She really only talked to me, she would lean forward and was very happy to talk, and kept the conversation going.
-She handed something back to me, and I grazed her fingers almost holding her hand, and she didn't pull away. (I did this on purpose, I couldn't help it, but it could be seen as accidental... maybe?)
-While she was talking to me she would touch her hair pins (no hair twirling this time since it was in a bun), and would adjust her shirt.
-She would mirror my actions, taking a sip when I would take a sip.
-She remembered something I said a long time ago, that even I didn't recall.
-When it was time to leave, she stood up, let every one else go ahead and waited for me to leave the table and walked out with me to the cars, and started another conversation.

I don't want to ruin our friendship, so I've held my interest back as much as I could. How obvious do you think my hand touch was? (I'm not touchy at all, even with guy friends)
Lots of signals from her, am I seeing something more than just friends here?
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