How long does girl like a guy before she forgets about him?

When a girl is crushing on a guy she likes how long till she forgets about him? I'm in a tough situation. First off I'm a shy guy and I lead this girl on. She was in my class and she liked me. I sent her signs smiling and stuff and she waiting after class everyday for the past 3 weeks at a table just looking and I think she was sending me signs for me to approach her. Her friend also told me that she likes me but that was before and I still didn't do anything. So fast forward few months and I still haven't done anything. Now she ignores me and has mad look on her face when she sees me. Before she would smile at me. This went on for month and I did nothing! I was too shy/nervous to go up to her. I felt like I lead her on.
How long does girl like a guy before she forgets about him?
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