8 of The Most Annoying Types of GirlsAskGuys Members

8 of The Most Annoying Type of Gagers on Girlsaskguys

1. People who ask Donald Trump questions or mention him
8 of The Most Annoying Types of GirlsAskGuys Members

Who would have thought that a guy who was only really mentioned a lot in the early 2000's would have been the biggest persona in 2015 and 2016. Look I get it that in America voting is a big deal, but do you have to mention him every single day at every single place including in Africa and all the way to the moon? This guy gets mentioned from all the way to AOL news to Eskimos talking about him in Antarctica this is literally the most annoying thing on GAG that I don't like dealing with.

Don't you people know that the more you mention him the more power he has its simple math really reputation equals power, power equals money and enough reputation will lead you to having a lot of money. So really your only adding more fire to the flame when doing so congratulations you officially know everything about Donald Trump including everything that goes inside his butt hole to everything that comes out and you even want to know about all of his subatomic particles you obviously are in love with the man.

2. People who ask are my boobs, dick, ass,etc. big enough or a good size
8 of The Most Annoying Types of GirlsAskGuys Members

Okay I get that you are insecure you also are probably just curious to know what the opposite gender thinks about your certain body parts. What I don't get is that most of the people who ask these type of questions will come back asking these same exact questions again and again and its from the same exact people. What makes you think people's opinions will change of what they think about the size of your penis, your vagina type, boobs size, ass size, and etc? Sometimes I feel like they do it just to get on our nerves or they seriously have some type of mental disorder.

3. People who catfish
8 of The Most Annoying Types of GirlsAskGuys Members

Okay I must admit the term is funny, but other than that the act and thought of it is just so messed up on so many levels. I never really got the point of tricking someone into you are something your actually not I mean best case scenario for a catfisher if that's even a real word lol is that you convince them to meeting you then what? They will eventually find out you were not what you said you were.

Why would you think they would want to be with someone who deceived them like that? I would seriously like for the DSM V do label people who catfish as having a certain mental disorder. Here on GAG though I've noticed that some have evolved into catfishing with different M.O's from people like Sandplanet to people who do it just to troll by creating multiple fake account and using it to back up their statements to pretending to be another gender they are not and asking questions that tries to shame the opposite gender i.e. "why are us girls such big cheaters"?

4. People who go anonymous and make a rant showing how courageous they are

8 of The Most Annoying Types of GirlsAskGuys Members

Honestly I find this more funny than annoying lol, but its annoying when someone usually makes a rant on a mytake or when asking a question even though its turns more into a rant when they add the details to their question. Seriously talk about the pot calling the kettle black. These people when asking a question turned into rant will first ask a question making a bold statement towards something and try to pass it off as a fact for instance "Why are women gold diggers?" or "Why are Americans so unloyal in relationships?"

And if you even slightly disagree with them there is a good chance they will try to do anything to make you look like you are wrong and that they are right. Expect to get blocked also lol, another thing I've noticed is that when their logic finally gets caught red handed they will play the victim game and change the subject making the whole rant about how everyone attacked them on here and they are getting bullied lol.

5. People who complain about seeing the same types of questions over and over yet still answer those type of questions
8 of The Most Annoying Types of GirlsAskGuys Members

Whether its a rate me question or a question about fat shaming there are a lot of common questions you will see on girlsaskguys, but some a lot more than others. If you are really annoyed by these type of questions then simply just don't answer them you don't have to broadcast it to the rest of the world on the internet. There are only two reasons why I can think people complain its either because they actually like answering these type of questions and they just don't want to admit that they do or they just want the XPER points.

6. People who block you just to annoy you
8 of The Most Annoying Types of GirlsAskGuys Members

I still can't fully figure out if this is an actual thing or not, but I will say what I've experienced and maybe see if anyone has experienced something similar as I have. I remember a few times that I've been blocked for the stupidest reasons one of them being this one time this guy asking a question about boobs I don't fully remember what the exact question was. He asked something along the lines of "Do you think a woman's breasts are given too much power by society?"

And to which I simply responded with a short answer by saying "of course boobs are immortal ^_^." He replied once to me saying how I was an asshole and before I could even respond back he had blocked me lol. I've had this happen a few other times and usually they just so happen to be people with a low Xper level rank like from level 1-5.

7. Sexist Gagers
8 of The Most Annoying Types of GirlsAskGuys Members

The only reason I sometimes believe that people on here truly are sexist is because in real life there really are sexists people out there male and female. Okay I am sure this is one lots of you could agree on. These types of questions mytakes, or opinions threads are very annoying. Ah hey news flash your gender is not immune to making mistakes and being the worst shittiest human being possible. And NO YOUR GENDER IS NOT BETTER THAN THE OTHER GENDER I AM SORRY TO TELL YOU IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM NO IF'S AND'S, OR BUTS.

These types of people are also usually anonymous or don't have a profile picture of their real selves hmm gee I wonder why? They'll usually ask these in question format saying something like "Why are men so sexist or where are the real men"? "Why are women so shallow"? "Why do men cheat"? Yeah like your gender never cheats lol why does it matter why they do it the ends don't justify the means anyhow so it shouldn't matter it seems like they truly believe in their mind that only men cheat or women cheat a lot less or something like that you get the point.

Then they will go on about talking about how their gender does less of something and even if that were the case why do you have to broadcast it and act like your gender is still better? Cause what is sexism anyways? Its when you believe your gender is better than the other so the statement still stands corrected.

8. Internet White Knights
8 of The Most Annoying Types of GirlsAskGuys Members

These guys have to be some of the most annoying people they literally would try anything just to get into a girl's pants on the internet lmfao talk about pathetic. Mostly you will find them lurking in places where girls post selfies of themselves here on GAG where the asker asks everybody to post a selfie, where girls ask rate me questions or pretty much any question where they fish for compliments lol.

You can also find a good amount of them on sexist mytakes. They lurk in other places as well, but these are the most common places. One of the things I find most annoying about these white knights is that they will pretend that they are defending a girl who is in distress even though she really is not. For example a girl will ask " What would you rate me on a scale of 1-10"? And some random guy could just respond to her by saying your not my type but I am sure there are some other guys who find you attractive as you can see by the different opinions you have received on here. And then the white knight would respond to her question on his opinion section by saying "don't listen to him you are very beautiful".

Girlsaskguys compilation video

Here is a special compilation video I made of what I believed to be the funniest and best moments.

8 of The Most Annoying Types of GirlsAskGuys Members
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