Why are men of this generation so beta they don't realize that a woman who exhibits this behavior is a MAJOR RED FLAG?

So there is something called female hypergamy and all women have this to some degree but if a woman's hypergamous behavior is very high then her loyalty would be very low and call into question.
Why are men of this generation so beta they don't realize that a woman who exhibits this behavior is a MAJOR RED FLAG?
[For anyone unaware hypergamy means women will only consider you a mate if you are better than them. They will jump ship and go for an even better mate if they believe said person wants a relationship with them despite the many years they've invested with a previous partner]

I can even give an example of this in real life. When i was in medical school there was a girl in year 1 who had a boyfriend and he was a cool dude who treated her well. Come year 2, she quickly dumps his ass to get with another guy who just graduated and became a doctor. Now, she appears to be a good, christian girl with morals and most people would perceive her as a GOOD GIRL.
Why are men of this generation so beta they don't realize that a woman who exhibits this behavior is a MAJOR RED FLAG?
Society in fact would see nothing wrong with her behavior and many attribute it that a woman should strive for the best and not settle for mediocrity but this type of behavior is very unsettling to me. I don't look at this as a woman not wanting to settle with a loser as her previous boyfriend is not exactly wasting his life. He is studying to become a doctor right now and he is working to improve his life.

Why are men of this generation so beta they don't realize that a woman who exhibits this behavior is a MAJOR RED FLAG?
Now onto my main question. I find it strange that many men congratulate and pat themselves on the back for stealing another man's girl and don't seem to realize the red flag of getting into a relationship with her. It's one thing if u just want to fool around with a woman like this for just sex and kick her to the curb but when you actively start getting invested and going for on BF/GF mode with her is where i become perplexed.
Why are men of this generation so beta they don't realize that a woman who exhibits this behavior is a MAJOR RED FLAG?

Why are men of this generation so beta they don't realize that a woman who exhibits this behavior is a MAJOR RED FLAG?
Why don't these guys realize this is a total red flag? If a girl like this can dump her boyfriend at the drop of a hat for someone she perceive to be better then don't they realize that she can do this same thing to you?
+1 y
Now I'd just like to add the steal your girl may not be a 100% accurate. Usually ho it works is women will be keeping their option open and be talking/flirting with other men even while they have a boyfriend. If they perceive said guy is better than the man she is currently with she will slowly detach from him and start testing the other guy to see how interested he is into getting into a relationship with her. If all signs are there she will drop her current SO for the new man.
Why are men of this generation so beta they don't realize that a woman who exhibits this behavior is a MAJOR RED FLAG?
Post Opinion