Over-achievers...why do some people hate them so much?

I will admit that I have some "over-achiever" in me.

Simply put, whenever I do ANYTHING, I aim to seek improvement. I'm not condescending about it...that's just how my brain functions.

I have noticed that some people tend to really REALLY dislike, or even hate, people who strive for the best (not just aimed at me).

This fact is difficult for me to understand, cause I don't get why anyone would want to be stagnant in anything in life.

Shouldn't doing well and aiming to be the best (w/ a good attitude) be a GOOD thing? I don't see how this is a negative thing if done with a good attitude.


Please give your insight. Why do you think some people dislike or even hate those who strive for excellence in almost everything?

Use personal examples (yourself as well as situations you've seen or heard about), if you wish.

Thanks for your input, everyone! :)
Over-achievers...why do some people hate them so much?
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