Why do insurance company's think raising the price of prescriptions is a good idea?

My mom went to get her prescription today, which is usually only twelve dollars. So, imagine her surprise when they said it was going to now be hundred and nineteen. We don't have that kind of money, both my parents are on social security disablity. They have a lot of phsyical problems and one of my moms phsyical problems is her neck which causes her bad headaches and without the medicne she needs to make it better, she risks getting really sick. This medicne helps with the muscles and because of that helps with easing the headaches along with her other pain medicne. But, since she couldn't get it today and only had one left (which she saved for tonight). She's now feeling werid and stuff and I don't know what we're going to do.

So, why do insurance companys do that to people? Raise there prescription prices without even a word? Why do they do that when they know a person obviously needs that medicine for a reason or they wouldn't have to take in the first place? Do they not care about peoples health, are they just about making money and to hell with the little people? Because, I'd really like to understand this.
Why do insurance company's think raising the price of prescriptions is a good idea?
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