Has Evolution eliminated physical dominance?

In the old days physical strength was an high asset to have. Women loved it, men were jealous of your physique, jobs always wanted to higher you. But not its. The 21's century. Physical strength seems... Useless and obsolete... It seems like it's only an asset when you want to get certain women because I know a few females still admire get turned on by men Nice bodies, but honestly seems machines are vastly taking over a mans jobs. Women seem to like the pretty skinny boys where you can see their ribs and bones and shit😂 I guess some females call that buff nowadays... But how's that buff when he only weights 115lbs...😂😌

anyway thats at besides the point, the point is it seems like women don't need a strong protector like the old days, men don't need to fight off intruders and lions tigers and bears and stuff, especially with all this techknowledgy advancements in weaponry and alarms and stuff. Seems mans heroism lies in computers and Facebook and other entertainment inventions or sales...

do do some of you believe what I'm saying is true or do you still believe physical strength is still a very high need and demand?
There's still a great need for men with physical dominance
Physical strength is slowly becoming irrelevant
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Has Evolution eliminated physical dominance?
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