Is this an oncoming eating disorder?

I began eating like this a few years ago, just to optimize my health, and haven't had any problems up until a few months ago..

My everyday diet consists of:
B: Half a bottle of water, a cup of coffee with almond creamer and 1 packet of sweetener - and usually make a juice with 1 cup of spinach, 1 kale leaf, 1 cup of strawberries and chia seeds, and 1 banana; if I don't feel like that, I like to have avocado on half a piece of Nature's Harvest whole grain bread with almond butter or an egg, rarely.
L: Consists of a salad with lettuce, cucumber, avocado (if I don't have that for breakfast), some raspberries, and a "light" dressing.
Veggies. Either a cup of cooked spinach or broccoli, sweet potato on occasion, sometimes half a sandwich. I pair this with a glass of water with lemon and two shots of apple cider vinegar. This is the same for dinner.
Snack: Tomato slices with some pepper, lots of cucumber, a slice of watermelon if I have any, a handful of almonds/raisins, avocado with about a tbls of dressing, half a cup of Yoplait Greek yogurt, a bowl of fruit, celery with almond butter.
I also go for a walk/run twice a day and do between 20-40 squats/pilates a day.

However, I think it might be necessary to say that when it comes to sweets, chocolate, or baked goods, I either take one bite or spit it out - as gross as that sounds. I used to buy mini Reese's, and would feel gross after biting into it that I would throw the whole thing away. When I posted this before, just explaining my diet and asking if I need more proein, someone told me that my diet is in actuality unhealthy, which made me think about these other habits. I've never had an issue with chocolate or anything up until a few months ago. I don't even finish half a cup of coffee anymore or drink milk. Besides that, my diet is still the same. If this is an oncoming eating disorder, I want to nip it in the bud, or if I'm just so accustomed to eating healthy.
Is this an oncoming eating disorder?
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