Was I too harsh with him?

OK so, I'm about 8 months postpartum, and due to some chronic health conditions I was on modified bed rest almost the whole pregnancy... which lead to me gaining WAY more weight than I would have liked to. Anyways I wasn't cleared to do any sort of physical activities until a few months ago, but I wasn't comfortable working out in public because I know how judgmental people can be.
Well my eldest daughter just started Judo, it's upstairs in a local gym, and Judo parents get a discount; so I figured what the hell I'll just go for it.
Well my very first time at the gym I'm just getting off of the treadmill when I over hear one guy talking to his friend about how it's so disgusting that he has to be subjected to seeing 'fat slobs' (while motioning in my dorection) while he's trying to enjoy his workout.
I lost it on him, I'm already not happy with and self conscious about my body's current state, I didn't need him being an ass about it while I am obviously trying to get back in shape.
There was a long rant and a few choice words that basically came down to me calling him a chauvinistic, shallow, pompous, privileged, asshole.

And his response was to tell me to 'calm my tits' because he didn't know I'd just had a baby he thought I was just fat.

I seriously want to report his behaviour to management, but should I?
Was I too harsh with him?
8 Opinion