How do you take control of your diet?

So, the one thing that I (and I'm sure many others) have been meaning to do -- is take control of my diet. I'm not looking into full on dieting, but I know that I need to just stfu and learn to just eat healthier.
So far, I just opt for the not necessarily healthier option -- but certainly a better option. When I buy things like pasta, I go for the whole wheat pastas. Same with breads/english muffins etc. I'm not down with low fat options either. Like, low fat yogurt for example tastes like sadness. Another thing, I do prefer to cook for myself -- a good thing -- but I'm wondering if the things I'm cooking for myself are necessarily a good and better choice. I cook a lot of hearty stews -- meat and potatoes is what I grew up eating.
I think my main thing, is getting control of my sugar intake. I have such a sweet tooth. The one place I refuse to let go of the sugar is in tea. But otherwise -- and logically -- I know I'd be fine giving the rest up. But I also wonder should that include fruit?
Anyways, how did you learn to take control over your diet? What motivated you to stick to it?
How do you take control of your diet?
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