Guys, if a girl you like gives you cookies.. What would be your reaction?

James, (shy and soft spoken) one the shop employees who assists in my furniture design class I can tell gets a bit nervous around me. We have been helping each other out on each others projects,and along the way we have been talking and settle flirting with each other. Whenever I walk in he immediately perks his head up and comes over to greet me, as well as assisting me constantly in the wood shop. I want to see if this attraction of sorts can go anywhere.

I plan to go in this week when he is working and give him a plate of home made cookies to thank him for all his help, as well as ask him to hang out outside of class and talk over coffee at a coffee shop.

Guys, how would you react if you were given a plate of cookies and asked to hang out and talk at a coffee shop?
Guys, if a girl you like gives you cookies.. What would be your reaction?
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