What It's Like to Be a Sleepy Person

I'm a highly motivated person. I have goals, I have achievements I want to accomplish. But the biggest goal of my day to day life is to sleep at least 8 hours and take a 3 hour nap.

"But why do you need so much sleep, linky?" You might ask. Let me learn you somethin'! I don't need so much sleep, per se. It's just that I'm a generally more pleasant person to associate with when I do sleep that much.

What It's Like to Be a Sleepy Person

Legit, we have customer survey's we get at work. Feedback and such. I have gotten so many bad surveys because I didn't manage to get in a nap before work that day, or I slept for shit the night before. Sleep rules my emotions, and it's probably a very bad thing.

Actually, the overall importantance sleep has in my life negatively impacts quite a few things. But I'm sucked in, it's an awful vortex of comfy desire that I can't manage the arm strength to pull myself out of. Which I'd have...if I didn't prefer to sleep over going to the gym.

What It's Like to Be a Sleepy Person

But the gym isn't the only thing I sacrifice for sleep. I actually make the conscious choice of eating a second meal or going to bed. Today, in fact, a nap won over the second meal. I'm running on like...fifteen french fries and five forkfuls of pasta.

Great for weight loss, awful for energy management. Not to mention the dizzy spells. You get used to it, though there are days where suddenly the ground is rushing up at you and you almost regret that nap. Almost. But who, in all reality, regrets a nap? Not I, said the fox.

Another bonus to taking naps and sleeping a solid 8 - 10 hours at night? You're sleeping...so therefore you're not spending money. It makes managing your cash so much easier, especially if you're a particularly weak willed person who throws their entire paycheck at at Target when given the opportunity.

What It's Like to Be a Sleepy Person

One more thing before I go and contemplate going to sleep even though I just woke up from a 4 hour nap 3 hours ago: When sleep is on the brain, when sleep is your one true love, you look at every surface and contemplate the compatibility between it and your body for adequate slumber.

I'd be lying if I said I never laid down on an L-Cart at work on break to take a 30 minute power nap. I've done it. I am not ashamed. Dog beds make wonderful pillows.

Goodnight, sleep tight my little GaGers.

What It's Like to Be a Sleepy Person
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